Monday 25 February 2013

USA : Hollywood - I'll mace your face.

After a short drive from San Diego to LA we spent another evening motel hunting.
Susie would park up the car while Jan would run inside and was regularly asked how many hours she would like in the motel room! Ugh! That was usually a sign to get out of the neighbourhood quick.

Through a sat Nav programming error we accidentally ended up in a cheap motel with secure parking right on Hollywood Boulevard. We later found out that it was in fact the motel from Pretty Woman where the iconic scene at the end of the film where Julia Roberts and Richard Gere kiss was shot.
This claim to fame  still didn't stop the motel from being a total dive!

Our prime location meant that the next morning we rolled out of bed on to the Hollywood walk of fame, with coffee in hand we star spotted our way down the street, trying to avoid the scaffoldig being set up for the upcoming Oscars!

We were on a tourist rampage, our next destination being the Hollywood sign where we took a brisk walk up the lookout to snap some pictures of the Hollywood skyline. Pushing on we headed for the La Brea tar pools, Rodeo Drive and scored some free tickets to the LAMCA (Los Angeles museum of contemporary art).

After all of that excitement, it was time to go and use our remaining energy to SHOOT GUNS!

The LA gun club was our first experience of ever holding a gun, we chose the most medically accurate target labelling all vital organs and preceded to aim for the ventricles and cerebellum, a special point was up for grabs if one of us claimed the gall bladder!

Susie missed by mere millimetres, but overall it has to be said, we were surprisingly hot shit at shooting guns! The kindly members of staff took us under their wing and made sure we didn't injur ourselves or any innocent bystanders.

After a mad adrenaline come down we retreated back to the motel and passesdout.

There is still so much to discover when we return to LA before our departure to Fiji where we will be hitting Venice Beach, Santa Monica and LA Ink.

Peace and Love,
Jan and Susie.

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