Wednesday 9 January 2013

UK : 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 .... Holy Shit

"The most difficult thing is the decison to act, the rest is merely tenacity."

          -  Amelia Earhart

Our journey officially begins from Heathrow Airport on the 20th of January 2013.
The preparation for this adventure started many moons ago with an off the cuff hangover related remark and has since morphed in to the monsterous beast that is now our travel itinerary.

The most challenging decision of the journey so far was 'the decision to act', who would have believed that entering a 4 digit PIN on a three thousand pound transaction would have led to such life changing consequences. Though we are under no illusions that this will be the first of many challenges which await us over the next few months.

Our destinations are as follows :

West Coast America - Road Trip!
New Zealand

We encourage you to live vicariously through us via the medium of the world wide web, with regular updates of our antics as we travel.

Peace and love,

Jan and Sooz.


  1. We will miss you no doubt. Be safe, be sensible and most of all don't phone home every 5 minutes for cash ;-))

  2. Go for it girls (and Brian) enjoy every minute x x
